Your life is priceless, don't let vape companies take it with cheap flavored smoke.

Programming your mind is big business

  • Big Tobacco Spends $105,000,000 advertising to Oregonians each year.
  • They make vaping look cool and attractive
  • They add large amounts of addictive substance (Nicotine). Most are addicted after only a few puffs

How do they do it?

10 minutes ago

Social Media Influencers

Vape companies heavily use social media and influencers to promote their products and create a false sense of peer pressure, influence, and social acceptance of vaping.

18 minutes ago

Making Poison Look Cool

Vape companies are hard at work to ensure the poison they sell looks cool. They use colorful packaging designs with pictures of popular cartoons. They create sweet tasting flavors that are especially appealing to youth and mask that natural harsh taste a normal tobacco product has. It’s all designed to make vaping look excited and desirable to us.

22 minutes ago

Misleading Advertising

They use advertising tactics that downplay the risks and negative health effects associated with vaping and Nicotine use. They don’t want vaping to be known a dangerous and harmful activity. They want youth to be unaware of the consequences.

24 minutes ago

Sponsorship and Events

Vape companies sponsor events, concerts, and sports activities that are popular among young people. They associate their products with youth-oriented events to increase their brand exposure and attract their next generation of revenue.

30 minutes ago

Profits over health and safety

In today's digital age, vape companies leverage every marketing avenue to get their product in front of their future profits: Children. They use “cool” colors, candy flavors, catchy jingles, subliminal messaging, and misleading advertising so that we ignore the dangers. They do everything to make their products appear desirable. They take advantage of young people, especially teens and preteens, who are still susceptible to peer pressure. The advertising strategies these companies use are designed to exploit teenage insecurities by offering a fast track to social acceptance and maturity. The unfair part? They know we will become addicted and unable to quit once we become hooked - no matter how many times we try. They don’t care about us. They don’t care that their products provide a lifetime of poor health, addiction, and financial ruin.

This isn’t accidental.Vape companies know that young people want to feel liked, appreciated, and accepted by their peers. They understand the pressure to fit in and the allure of seeming older or more sophisticated. They invest heavily in market research to study the young mind's motivations, desires, and fears. They know that luxury and prosperity are attractive. They frame their products within these contexts and promise their products are the key to a desirable lifestyle. It's a carefully calculated move, preying on the most vulnerable aspects of youth psychology.

Let's be clear:the vast sums of money they pour into researching young brains and what appeals to them is reminiscent of companies that test poisons on rats. It's a relentless pursuit of profit, with no regard for the well-being of the individuals targeted. Young people are drawn in by the promise of social acceptance and luxury, not aware of the potential risks they're taking. The end goal isn't to make us feel liked or appreciated, but to turn us into loyal addicts, regardless of the cost of our health. This advertising onslaught isn't just about selling products: it's about shaping perceptions, influencing behavior, and ultimately - controlling our choice.

Meet the new fight

Despite common misconceptions: Vaping is not safe! It is not healthy! Vaping devices still contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance that can harm the developing brain of young adults and teens. Besides the nicotine, vaping can also lead to lung damage, breathing issues, and an increased risk of heart problems. Don’t forget about the added chemicals and flavorings used in e-cigarettes. Which can cause severe lung injuries and even death. Don't be fooled by the hype – vaping is not safe.

Heart Problems: The Risks they try to Hide

Vaping is associated with numerous heart problems; however, it is important to note that the long-term effects are still undergoing research and many of the harmful health consequences are still unknown.

Vaping is associated with:
  1. Increased Heart Rate
  2. Increased Blood Pressure
  3. The buildup of plaque in arteries
  4. Damage to the lining of blood vessels
  5. Increased risk of heart attack
  6. Irregular heart rhythms
  7. The heart’s ability to pump blood effectively

Beyond Addiction: Uncovering the Risks of Vaping on Mental Health

Young people are at a higher risk of addiction to nicotine! Long-term exposure to vaping during adolescence can have lasting impacts on cognitive function: It can permanently affect attention span and impulse control. There may be higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorder among adults who used vaping products during their youth.

A recent study of university students revealed that e-cigarette use was significantly associated with problematic alcohol and illicit substance use, as well as a higher likelihood of drug use. Moreover, the study found that e-cigarette users were more likely to have a history of ADHD, PTSD, gambling disorder, and anxiety, and had lower self-esteem and higher impulsivity scores. These findings suggest that e-cigarettes could have a significant impact on the mental health and well-being of young people.

Like Catching Fish in a Barrel

E-cigarettes may seem harmless, but in reality, they are a one-way ticket to nicotine addiction. Shockingly, young people can develop an addiction to nicotine with just one-quarter of an e-cigarette pod, which contains only around 5 mg of nicotine. This makes it easier to become addicted to nicotine than catching fish in a barrel!

The U.S. surgeon general has issued an advisory that warns young people, parents, teachers, health professionals, and states about the risks related to e-cigarettes and urges them to take action to prevent the growing epidemic among youth.


of Middle School Students have tried Tobacco

1 in 4

High School Students admit to trying tobacco


of retailers sell tobacco to minors

The Human Cost

In Douglas County, a worrying trend has emerged with youth vaping. A 2023 survey of Douglas County students suggests more than 22% of 8th graders have already experimented with tobacco products. Whats worse? The problem is growing: The number of 6th graders who used tobacco has more than doubled since 2020. One in four tobacco retailers have failed tobacco inspections and sold to kids across the county. Even though retailers risk fines and penalties for selling tobacco to minors - it’s just the cost of doing business for them. We went out and asked local high school students if they knew where they could purchase tobacco in Roseburg. Even though they were underage, they each knew of a store that would sell vaping and tobacco products to them.

The Truth? Nicotine is extremely addictive and hard to quit. Some studies suggest nicotine addiction is comparable to that of heroine and cocaine! Nicotine addiction in young adults is even more difficult.The bottom line - we must work together to protect our youth.

The healthcare cost associated with tobacco use and the cost to taxpayers:

Their Tactics: Evading Regulation and Exploiting Loopholes

Product Modification

Vape manufacturers modify their products to evade regulations and avoid strict health and safety requirements. They change ingredients, packaging, and labeling to create products that are different from regulated tobacco products. This allows them to market and sell their products without meeting the same compliance standards. They also redesign packaging and labels to downplay the association with tobacco and appear less harmful, targeting a wider audience. These practices have consequences, as they enable vape companies to continue selling to vulnerable populations, including youth and non-smokers, increasing nicotine use and undermining tobacco control efforts.

Flavor Masking

Flavor masking is when vape companies use additives to hide the harsh taste and smell of tobacco in their products. They do this by offering a wide range of enticing flavors, particularly appealing to youth. By masking the tobacco flavor, they attract new users who may have never tried tobacco before.

However, flavor masking has concerning consequences. It normalizes and glamorizes vaping, especially among young people, who are drawn to the pleasant flavors. This can lead to experimentation and initiation among individuals who would otherwise not be interested in tobacco or nicotine products.

Additionally, flavor masking makes it harder for users to associate vaping with the health risks and addictive nature of nicotine. The enjoyable flavors create a perception that vaping is less harmful than traditional tobacco, despite both containing addictive nicotine and potential health effects.

Regulations are being implemented to address flavor masking, particularly due to its appeal to youth and concerns about addiction. It's important to note that flavors do not eliminate the risks associated with vaping. Nicotine addiction and health issues can still occur. Awareness and informed decision-making are crucial, especially for young people, when it comes to using vaping products.

Nicotine Manipulation

Nicotine manipulation refers to deliberately altering nicotine levels in vaping products. It involves creating highly concentrated nicotine options for a stronger nicotine experience and marketing them as satisfying alternatives. Conversely, products with reduced or no nicotine content are offered as "nicotine-free" options.

The consequences of nicotine manipulation vary. Higher nicotine concentrations can increase addiction risk, while nicotine-free products may create a false sense of safety. Nicotine manipulation also appeals to youth, potentially leading to nicotine initiation.

They are still few regulations implemented to address nicotine manipulation and establish standards. Unfortunately, this means we have little transparency, consumer protection, and no way to mitigate harms in the vaping industry until regulations catch up to these tactics.

Introduction of New Products

Another tactic used by the tobacco industry to evade regulation is to create new tobacco products. Most recently, synthetic nicotine, more commonly known as tobacco-leaf free has launched into the market.

These new products can evade regulation by exploiting their non-tobacco status. This allows them to bypass restrictions on flavorings, packaging, and marketing designed for traditional tobacco products. The lack of standardized requirements raises concerns about product quality, labeling accuracy, and consumer safety.

The Line Up

Your not alone! your surrounded by a network of highly motiviated community organizations focused on helping our fellow douglas county residents break free from the harmful effects of vaping.


Thrive Umpqua


Douglas Public Health Network


Adapt Oregon

Empowering Parents: Guiding your children through understanding the risks of vaping

To our fellow parents

As a parent, you want to protect your children from harm and give them the best possible start in life. But with the rise of e-cigarettes, you may feel like you're fighting an uphill battle. The truth is, e-cigarette companies are targeting young people with their marketing, bright colors, enticing flavors, and deceptive messaging to hook them on their addictive products. It's a game of addiction for profit, and your children are the pawns. But you're not alone in this battle. DC Smoke Free is here to support you and your family by providing the resources and tools you need to help your children resist the lure of vaping and grow up to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

It's important to have honest conversations with your children about the dangers of vaping and have clear expectations and boundaries with them. Talk with them about the risks of addiction and the long-term health consequences of using e-cigarettes. Encourage them to make healthy choices and to seek out positive role models. However, know that you can't protect your children from everything and e-cigarette companies will continue to use their ruthless tactics to try and gain new customers. However, there is hope and with your guidance and support, your children can resist their influence and build a strong, resilient foundation for their future.

You can succeed, and we believe in you.

Make no mistake, vaping is a tough opponent. E-cigarette companies employ insidious marketing techniques designed to lure you in and keep you hooked. Once addicted, it can be incredibly difficult to quit. But don't give up hope. There are resources available to help you overcome this addiction and take back control of your life. From support groups to counseling and nicotine replacement therapy: there are many paths to success. And you are not alone in this fight. We are a community of people just like you who are eager to overcome this opponent together.

Fighting addiction is not only an individual battle. We can also advocate for policy change to protect our communities from the harms of tobacco. Join us in supporting initiatives like the flavor ban, which aims to restrict the sale of flavored e-cigarettes that are appealing to children or support the youth vaping campaign which educates young people about the dangers of vaping and empowers them to make healthy choices. By working together, we can create a world where addiction is not the norm and health and well-being are the priorities.

Join us in this fight against addiction, and together, we can make a difference.

Empowering educators: addressing youth vaping and tobacco use

Understanding the issue

Educators need to grasp the evolving landscape of youth vaping and tobacco use. Research shows that e-cigarette use among young people has surged, driven by enticing flavors, discreet designs, and aggressive marketing tactics. Vaping products pose unique risks, with potential long-term health consequences and nicotine addiction. Simultaneously, traditional tobacco products remain a persistent concern. Recognizing the prevalence and risks of these behaviors is crucial for educators.

Understanding the issue

  1. Comprehensive Prevention Education

    Incorporate evidence-based prevention education into the curriculum, focusing on the risks, health effects, and addictive nature of vaping and tobacco use. Provide accurate information, debunk myths, and foster critical thinking skills to empower students to make informed decisions.

  2. Engage in Open Dialogue

    Create a safe and non-judgmental space where students feel comfortable discussing vaping and tobacco use. Encourage open dialogue about their perceptions, experiences, and concerns. Listen actively and empathetically, ensuring students understand the health risks and consequences associated with these behaviors.

  3. Collaborate with Health Professionals

    Establish partnerships with your local public health, school nurses, and provider offices. These experts can provide valuable insights, resources, and guest lectures to supplement educators' knowledge and support prevention efforts.

    Call 541-229-8987 today to setup a presentation with Douglas Public Health Network

  4. Strengthen Policy Implementation

    Collaborate with school administrators and policymakers to develop and enforce strong tobacco-free campus policies. Ensure these policies encompass vaping and other emerging tobacco products. Communicate the policies clearly to students, parents, and staff, emphasizing their importance in promoting a healthy and safe learning environment.

  5. Promote Positive Alternatives

    Encourage students to explore healthy coping mechanisms and engage in positive activities that build resilience. Foster an environment that promotes physical activity, creative expression, and stress management techniques to help students find healthier alternatives to vaping and tobacco use.

  6. Engage Families and Communities

    Involve parents and caregivers in prevention efforts by sharing information, organizing workshops, and fostering open lines of communication. Collaborate with community organizations, health departments, and advocacy groups to leverage additional resources and reinforce consistent messaging.

Educators have a vital role to play in addressing youth vaping and tobacco use. By staying informed, engaging in open dialogue, implementing evidence-based prevention education, strengthening policies, promoting positive alternatives, and involving families and communities, educators can make a significant impact on reducing the prevalence of these harmful behaviors among young people. Let us join forces to empower our students, protect their health, and create a generation committed to making informed choices for a tobacco-free future.