Privacy Policy

At DCsmokeFree, we deeply value your privacy and are steadfastly committed to safeguarding it. This Privacy Policy details our approach to collecting, utilizing, and securing your information, ensuring transparency and trust in every interaction you have with us.

Information We Collect

In our mission to provide a seamless experience, we may gather various types of information from users of our website:

Utilization of Your Information

Your information is invaluable in helping us:

Sharing Your Information

We firmly stand against selling, renting, leasing, or disclosing your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes. However, we may share your information with trusted third-party service providers who support our operations, such as conducting surveys or distributing newsletters. These providers are strictly bound to use your information solely for designated tasks on our behalf.

Non-Healthcare Provider Declaration:

Please be aware that DCSmokeFree is not a healthcare provider and does not offer healthcare services. The information you provide is with the understanding that we do not offer medical advice or services. By engaging with us, you acknowledge that our information should not substitute for professional medical counsel. We urge you to consult healthcare professionals regarding any medical concerns.

HIPAA and Data Protections

Though not governed by HIPAA, we are committed to the privacy and security of your information. We employ suitable measures to protect your data, detailed within this Privacy Policy.

Safeguarding Your Information

We take prudent steps to secure your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Data submitted through our website is protected with SSL technology. While we strive for utmost security, we acknowledge that no system is infallible. In the rare event of a data breach, we pledge to promptly inform affected individuals and diligently address the situation.

Privacy Policy Updates

Our Privacy Policy may evolve, and any changes will be reflected on this page. Your continued use of our website post-modification implies acceptance of the updated terms. We encourage regular reviews of our Policy to stay informed about your information's protection.

Contacting Us

For inquiries or feedback regarding this Policy or your personal information's handling, please feel free to reach out at Your perspectives are invaluable and we eagerly anticipate your correspondence.

At DCSmokeFree, your privacy is our priority, and we are dedicated to maintaining the trust you place in us.